This is a very good article about the fundamental problems we are facing in our societies, which, in many regards are gone crazy. I heard a Canadian professor — who was in a public discussion on TV with Jordan Peterson -, say that there are no biological differences between men and women. I am wondering if he had ever seen himself and his female mate naked in a mirror! And saying such a thing seems to me absolute stupidity and a sign of being completely out of touch with reality.
As women we have to defend ourself against ideologues who pretend to speak for us while not honoring our being as female beings in the world. Making men and women radically THE SAME is, in my eyers, the worst sort of racism and suppression of our individual beings. The people who pretend to fight against xyz are themselves the worst representatives of xyz, totally blind to what they are doing to themselves, others and the world by running evidently false ideologic discourses which, combined with power, lead inevitably to deadly outcomes. I am German and my country has lived where ideologies of blind ideas lead!